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The Trees

Teak (Tectona grandis): is considered one of the most valuable woods for plantations. It has been grown for more than 100's of years, and is a mainstay for many plantations. It is considered a very valuable wood due to its ability to withstand inclement weather. It even prevents any metal used in it from rusting. Teak is very stable, which means that it does not warp when subjected to variations in humidity and temperature. Teak requires very good drainage and a rich soil. It prefers a dry season of about three months.
The Nilambur Teak is unique for its quality and is world famous for its golden yellow colour and beautiful grains
In an auction conducted on Februrary 3, 2005, at the Timber Sales Division in Palakkad Circle, one log of Nilambur teak fetched an amount of Rs. 2,33,539 i.e. Rs. 90,100 per cubic meter.
High quality teak is available at Walayar, Parambikulam, Malayatoor and Ranni. Teak conjures up images of elegance, class, grandeur, durability, antiquity, grace and strength.

Planting: Teak is usually planted when the seedlings or clones are four to six weeks old and is planted at a distance of six feet each.

Teak grows amazingly fast, particularly for a hardwood.
Teak rapidly puts on height as well as diameter. After the trees start gaining height, one must prune the lower branches. The most valuable trees are those that grow straight and tall with no limbs in the trunk area. By pruning away all except the top 1/3 of the branches, you create superior wood. Because teak grows so fast, the plantation needs a lot of attention for the first three years.
Teak produces between 12 to 26 cubic meters in volume of wood per year. The price for teak has been going up steadily for many years, at a rate consistently over 6% per year.


Bamboo (Bambusa bambos)
Indian Name - Bans

The bamboo is a perennial tree which grows upto a height of 12 meters .Every year between July and October, new shoots sprout at the base of the tree. Bamboo trees are always found in clusters. The stem of the tree is round, smooth and hollow. Nodes are swollen. Bamboo is presumed to have originated in Asia. The tree grows wild throughout most parts of India, especially in the hilly forests of western and southern India but it is cultivated in the lower Himalayas.



Properties :-

The leaves of bamboo trees are stimulant and aromatic. They are useful in counteracting spasmodic disorders, and arrest secretion or bleeding. They are also an effective aphrodisiac. The leaves do not have any prominent taste.


Bamboo Facts

· Bamboo is a tree-like      woody plant.
· There are 1 250 known      species of   bamboo.
· Some bamboos live over      100 years.
· There are over 1500      possible uses.
·  The local usage of bamboo is worth    US$2.7 billion.
· Trade in bamboo generates US$4.5   billion.
· 2.5 billion people worldwide use   bamboo.
· One billion people live in bamboo   houses.  Powered By Worldviewer Dot Com (India) Pvt. Ltd.